The eighth of November has much significance to me. This is the day that, come next year, we, The People, will make our voices heard. We will vote on issues that we are facing, and for the person who will lead our country. Hopefully, the voice of wisdom prevails, and we make correct choices.
This day also happens to be my brother-in-law's birthday. He is a great guy, with a huge heart. I feel that I am a better person for knowing him.
This week, on the eighth of November, I also celebrated the anniversary of my marriage to my lovely wife. Nine years ago we attended the Boise Idaho, LDS Temple and were sealed to each other for time, and, all eternity. That was a wonderful day! I would like to take a few minutes of your time, today, to share my thoughts and feelings on this topic, and that of my family.
Marriage, to me, is a spiritual offering and bond between a man and a woman, and between them and God. Marriage was instituted and sanctified by the Lord Himself:
“And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him….
“Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:18, 24)
Marriage fulfills God’s purposes. Hugh B. Brown spoke of this when he said that “God intended that man and woman should become one. … He sanctified the institution of marriage” (1883-1975).
Because of God’s institution of marriage, I became a husband, and started my quest to ascertain what devotion really means. I feel very fortunate to have my wife as a partner in life. She truly is a help meet for me.
Amongst all the things that she is to, and does for me, she keeps me humble. I recently took an IQ test, and, although my results were favorable, I must admit that I am not a “genius,” according to the writers of said test. When I informed my wife of my results, her exact words were, “I could have told you that.” Her gentle, sometimes jocular, reminders of my weaknesses are greatly appreciated.
We have three wonderful children; ages seven, five, and three. They are all smart, beautiful, and fun. Because of them I get to be called “daddy,” and enjoy all the blessings of fatherhood. I, along with my wife, am excited to raise these fine children who have been entrusted to us.
My eldest daughter has a head for books. (Just like her daddy). In a recent Parent-Teacher Conference, her teacher told me he was concerned that she was reading books that were a little too advanced. He taught me how to judge her ability. I went home and told my daughter of her teacher’s concerns, and how I was going to judge her reading. After doing so, I found that her ability was sufficient for her desires. She told me that she used the same methods for herself. Then, she gave me a look that clearly conveyed, “Duh, daddy!”
My son, quite literally, has his heads in the sky. He is fascinated with space, and our solar system. I read books about the moon and solar system with him. He brings these books home from school, and, I have introduced Google Earth to him. He loves zooming through the solar system faster than the speed of light! He says that he wants to go to space when he grows up.
My youngest child is starting to string her words into sentences. This is amazing to behold! She is learning new things, and sharing this newfound knowledge with anyone who will listen. I love listening to her and learning what the world looks through the eyes of a three-year-old.
I am grateful to have my family in my life. I have enjoyed many blessings, over the course of these last nine years, all because a pretty girl acquiesced to be my wife.
Gee Matt, thanks.